Category: Publications


Winter and Summer in European Studies of Legal computational Ontologies

Between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, European Union institutions funded several attempts to formalize lawmaking and legal information exchange, including projects to create a reference ontology of law as a basis for the exchange of legal information at the semantic level. This article covers this attempt, comments on the attained results attainted and why the research in the legal ontology field eventually entered the “winter”.


Approaching Action-Centric Ontologies

Action-Centric Ontologies is an important technology that can enable building scalable representations of legal knowledge. The following article (in Russian) provides a few definitions for this research.


“Computational Law as an Engineering Discipline” published in Recht Innovative 01/2019 Computational law: research discipline and a group of knowledge-centric technologies to support law and jurisprudence, with the following objectives: enable representation of legal and other relevant domain knowledge as Turing computable functions; enable analysis, algorithmic inference, and synthesis of legal knowledge; enable interpretable, actionable output in a form suitable for use by humans or machines.